Having a cat in your home can be a wonderful experience. Being a cat owner is an enjoyable venture in life. Use the tips that you’re about to read to help you provide the best care.
If your cat is a female, be sure to get her spayed when she is old enough. You may not think it’s necessary if you have an indoor cat, but your cat may escape. Spray your cat so that this does not occur.
Avoid letting your cat get bored. Cats need play and exercise. Unfortunately, a lot of cat owners neglect this. Bored cats can suffer from depression, extreme compulsive disorders, and other harmful issues that can negatively impact their overall health and well-being. Give them exercise space and a lot of toys. Indoor cats will appreciate having a structure they can climb on or a dedicated scratching post.
Most cats are very nocturnal. In other words, they’ll be up and about late into the night. If your kittens are keeping you awake into the middle of the night, close the door to your bedroom. This will reduce the frequency that they wake you up.
Try to figure out why your cat meows. After you have coexisted with a pet cat for a long while, you are sure to figure out its meowing patterns. A meow could signal anything from hunger to a desire for affection. Pay attention to her cues, and you can understand your cat that much more.
If you are experiencing an issue with your feline friend, seek advice from others. It’s possible that you could solve the problem on your own, but why deny help from others? There are many online forums that discuss cats. Most vets will also be happy to help you with some advice.
Frequent or misdirected urination may warrant a trip to your vet’s office. Cats often do such things when suffering from urinary tract infections or other sorts of health issues. A quick course of antibiotics can head off dangerous complications if you get your cat diagnosed and treated early enough.
Litter Box
Put some thought into where you place the litter box. It’s tempting to keep it in an inconspicuous place where it won’t be seen or smelled. Make sure your cat can easily reach the litter box at all times. Cats are finicky, so you must provide an environment that is not inconvenient or off-putting to the animal. Put a rug under it for cleanliness, too.
Your diet isn’t necessarily the best thing for your cat; some foods just aren’t good for them. Examples of problem foods include garlic, green tomatoes, onions and grapes. These items can make your cat very ill. Milk can also end up giving your cat an upset stomach.
Cats have a heightened sense of smell, and they can detect environmental changes easily. This may cause a problem if you give them a new bed, scratching post or food dish. If the cat doesn’t like it, don’t be alarmed. As the smell of your home gets onto the items, they’ll warm up to them.
Be on the lookout for panting in cats. With dogs, this is something that is common. Your cat may pant if it is anxious or overheated, but panting may also indicate a more serious problem. Be sure to call your vet, particularly if your pet has suffered from respiratory issues.
Many diseases can be transmitted between humans and felines. They’re a part of your family, so you should know when they’re not feeling well. If so, be sure and make an appointment with your vet. The vet can then rule out serious conditions.
If you worry about your cat getting rabies, fleas or getting exposure to fungus, don’t allow them to go outside. Even though a cat can still get those conditions from being indoors, outside is where it is most likely to occur.
Before you are tempted to give your feline bits of food from your table, think about how it may affect his health. Human food is not good for cats, due to the additives and ingredients used and the ways we cook food for humans. Give your cat chicken or beef if you must feed it human food. Your cat has a proper diet if he is getting the proper food for his weight and age.
You cat will likely be upset when you bring another pet home. Prevent animal drama by separating your cat and new pet. Let your cat get used to the strange new odors in the house. You should introduce the new pet to your cat very slowly.
If the weather is bad outside, don’t let your cat out. Examples of times to keep your cat inside are during cold snaps, storms and periods of high wind. Left alone outside a cat’s natural instinct will be to hide, and they won’t always choose a good hiding place. You may never get your cat back.
Christmas Tree
If you have a Christmas tree at home, watch your cat closely. The cat’s curiosity may have them climbing the tree, which will cause problems for both the cat and household members. To help prevent this from occurring, ensure your cat stays away from Christmas decorations and the Christmas tree. Most importantly, ensure that any loose ornaments or tinsel are not lying on the floor because your cat may attempt to eat these things, causing digestive problems.
Cats are wonderful pets, as previously discussed. Knowing how to properly care for your cat is essential to make sure he has a long and happy life with you. You should read over this information a few times in order to care for your cat properly. Your pet cat will love you!