Cat ownership is an adventure with countless rewards. It must be remembered that owning cats requires plenty of work. Responsibilities come with the happiness a cat brings to you. This article has tips from the pros you can’t care for a cat without. Read them to keep your cat strong and happy.
Drape Cords
Remove the drape cords from visibility when a cat is in the house. These are not great play toys for cats. They can wrap around a cat’s neck pretty easily. This may harm or kill them. Therefore, ensure that drape cords are pinned away from your cat’s reach.
Cats love to squeeze into tiny spots. If they are wearing a collar this can pose a safety risk, in the event that your cat gets stuck. A breakaway collar has the ability to release its hold if the cat pulls tightly on it. It can really be a life saver for your cat.
Make sure you purchase medicines and treatments specifically for cats. Cats will have a reaction that’s negative towards a product made for dogs. This will especially be true if it’s a product for fleas. Products used for flea prevention in dogs can be very harmful to your cat. Actually, it is best to separate the cat from the dog once the flea problem has been treated.
Make sure your cat has a collar if it goes outside. Cats can travel far, and a tag will help you find the cat easier if they get lost. At the very least, you should include your contact info and the name of your cat on the tag.
Electrical Cords
Make sure your cat is out of harms way by putting a little bitter apple on all the electrical cords to avoid them getting shocked. If your cat happens to be a champion cord-chewer, you’ll need to use cord covers to protect your cords. You can bundle loose cords together and place them inside paper towel rolls. If you have electrical cords laying out that are not being used, put them away as cats can play with them and then move on to live electrical cords.
It is a good idea to microchip your cat. Indoor cats can slip out an open door. Tags and collars are great, but if a cat escapes them, there’s no guaranteeing they’ll make it home safe and sound. A teeny microchip can hold your contact information. Almost every vet and shelter has a scanner these days, and they can retrieve your contact information should they find your pet.
Adore your cat! Cats need companionship as much as we do. Like humans, cats want to feel wanted and needed. Your cat wants to be as much a member of the family as anyone else.
There needs to be set boundaries with your children and a new kitty. Let your kids know which rooms your cat is allowed in. Advise your children not to let the cat out if it is to be an indoor cat. This will ensure nothing bad happens.
Although you might find its appearance unappealing, don’t toss a scratching post when it’s getting particular worn and frazzled. This is the condition that cats most appreciate. If you toss it away in favor of something newer, your cat may look for something older to scratch, and that may end up being your furniture.
Are you getting overwhelmed with all the cat hair in your home? Cats shed considerably; therefore, it is very important you brush them frequently. If your cat is a big shedder, you definitely want to brush him often. This will also help their coat from getting tangled or matted.
Your cat should be kept healthy so that it can live a longer life. This can be done by making sure the cat is checked on by a vet and it has its shots. Just like with having kids, young cats need to be checked on to see if they’re doing okay from time to time. It also needs its shots so that you can avoid problems later on down the road. Your cat is a family member, so treat them like anyone else you love in your home.
There are some thing that you eat that may not be good for your cat. Never allow your cat to nibble on garlic, onions or green tomatoes. Grapes, which seem harmless enough, are also a no-no. These foods are healthy for humans, but they can make cats very sick. Milk can also upset your cats’ stomach.
Never allow your cat to be exposed to phenol chemicals. This chemical is often in Lysol and certain other regular household cleaners. Not only do cats intensely dislike the smell, the chemical can also cause liver damaged if they are exposed to it for a lengthy time.
Cats have a keen sense of smell, which makes it simple for them to feel out changes in their environment. This can lead to issues when you introduce something new, such as a new toy, bed, or food dish. You shouldn’t be disappointed if your cat avoids new items at first. As the new items starts to smell like your house, your cat may give it a try.
Panting is a bad symptom. Dogs normally pant on a regular basis. Panting sometimes means your cat might be overheated or perhaps anxious, but it also can sometimes mean something even more serious. Be sure to call your vet, particularly if your pet has suffered from respiratory issues.
Line your furniture with sticky tape. If you have a cat that scratches your upholstery you need to place tape on that as well. There is tape available that is specifically designed for this. By keeping your furniture covered with tape and getting a scratching post put up, you will get your cat to scratch that instead.
As previously stated, owning a cat is beneficial to you. To ensure that your cat lives the healthiest and longest life possible, you’ll have to provide the proper care. Be sure to use this information if you want to make a cat part of your home.